Colleges Feature: City of Glasgow College

We are thrilled to welcome Scotland’s Art Colleges back to Edinburgh for Elements: Festival of Jewellery, Silver and Gold. Elements will provide graduates of Scotland’s Art Colleges with an opportunity to exhibit and sell pieces of contemporary jewellery and silver to the Element audience.

In the HND Arts and Technology course at City of Glasgow College, will teach you exciting and comprehensive range of skills with a design-led focus.

You will explore both new technology and traditional techniques – pushing boundaries of material exploration, and developing skills in emerging technologies with access to Laser cutting and 3D Printing.

We work closely with industry partners to deliver live projects and briefs and compete successfully in national competitions. Award-winning and leading the way in ethical practices and sustainability in industry, this course will enable you to leave a responsible maker.


Pendants by Naomi Mackenzie


Ring by Carly Wilson


Earrings by Laura Caldwell

Eda Obermanns