Colleges Feature: Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design

We are thrilled to welcome Scotland’s Art Colleges back to Edinburgh for Elements: Festival of Jewellery, Silver and Gold. Elements will provide graduates of Scotland’s Art Colleges with an opportunity to exhibit and sell pieces of contemporary jewellery and silver to the Element audience.

Using novel materials and digital technologies, you will work to develop your own voice in an increasingly diverse conversation. Our strong studio culture means that you will be able to share ideas in a supportive environment.

You will develop wearable objects and products by gaining a deep understanding of the design process, from visual research to concept development to finished outcome. Technical skills form the basis of the course, but you will also learn to consider the historical, social, and aesthetic context of your creations through written assignments. We teach traditional jewellery making techniques as well as technologies such as CAD/CAM, microelectronics for wearables, novel materials and 3D printing. We work closely with the wide facilities in DJCAD workshops that offer our students a wide range of material development and support.

Eleanor Butler

Heidi Korkala

Amy Peoples

Rachel Adam

Eda Obermanns