Colleges Feature: The Glasgow School of Art

We are thrilled to welcome Scotland’s Art Colleges back to Edinburgh for Elements: Festival of Jewellery, Silver and Gold. Elements will provide graduates of Scotland’s Art Colleges with an opportunity to exhibit and sell pieces of contemporary jewellery and silver to the Element audience.

The Silversmithing and Jewellery programme aims to provide a broad, balanced programme covering aspects of body adornment and fine metalworking from the development of original design concepts through to the finely crafted finished work. The course embraces as broad an approach to silversmithing and jewellery as possible, from designing for the mainstream jewellery or silverware industries to the pursuit of very personal works intended for gallery exposure.

A strong emphasis is placed on the development of individual craft and design skills that increasingly allow each student the freedom to pursue and realise ideas in appropriate media. Consequently, we actively encourage exploration of a wide range of materials through project work. The course centres its basic technical studies, however, in the area of fine metalworking, providing students with the experience of working in gold and silver as well as other metals.

Eda Obermanns